The Son of Man Ministry

God Can Use You

  E-11    Now, we find out then that Daniel became a instrument in the hand of God while he was away from his own people, out of his own city, away from his own church; in a strange land, God used him. Now, you can be away from whatever you may be; you can be away from all your loved ones, or you can be away from your church, but you can still be an instrument in the hands of God. God can use you for a testimony or for anything that He wishes to use you for.

  E-11    So, she knew that if she could ever get Zacchaeus, knowing that he was an honest hearted man... Now, he was a businessman of Jericho, very rich man. And let's say he owned a restaurant. But he was very rich, but he had not done anything wrong to be rich; he was honest. And no matter what business you're in, if you're honest, God can use you. An honest heart will always answer to truth.
So Rebekah knew this, and she'd been praying much for little Zacchaeus, knowing that Jesus had promised to visit the city. Of course, it always brings out a mixed multitude, there'd be some there to criticize Him and some would make fun, and others would believe. But if she could only get Zacchaeus to see Him. But you know, the priest had said, rabbi had said, "If anyone goes to hear this man, they get their--their papers." They'd be excommunicated. Or, "We don't tolerate such stuff as that. And He's just coming here to the city just to cause trouble, to break up our churches, and get people all stirred up, so no one must go see Him."

  79    Now, a somebody can become one of His people; God can use them if they're ready to forget that they are a somebody. If you're ready to forget that you're a somebody and become a nobody, then God can use you and make a somebody out of you. See? But you've got to forget that you're so important.
There's many of us; many of us do that in--in our lives. As soon as... Some people, as soon as they become Christians, they become arrogant, indifferent (That's right.) when they're just taking a vice versa the path. They're going backwards instead of forward. When... More you can get out of yourself, more room you've got for the Holy Spirit to come in.
Like Elijah told Jehoshaphat and them, said, "Dig this place full of ditches. Deeper you dig, the more room you're going to have for water." And the more of our own selves, of the--the own rubbish of our own abilities that we can throw out of us, the more room there'll be to be filled by the Spirit of God; long as we can do that.

  E-68    When He made His Life here He didn't have to give it up. He laid it down freely. He was God; He didn't have to die. But He did it freely, gave His own Life that He might bring sons to Him, that His work might continue on. "The works that I do..." John 14:12. "The works that I do you'll do also." If the things could to be done like that, and you can see Him and see Him only, then you'll get your camera in focus (See?) to a place to where God can use you.Certainly.

  17-1    God is looking for prisoners. He's always done it. You might search it through the Scripture. A man has to be a prisoner to Christ against anything... Therefore, you cannot be connected with anything but Christ. Even your father, your mother, your brother, your sister, your husband, your wife, anybody--you're only connected with Christ and Him only. Then God can use you.Until then, you can't.
Going out sometimes I speak rough to people. See, I'm--I'm trying to get you to cut loose. You've got to have a starting place. Like I sometimes call about the women bobbing their hair, wearing these clothes, and holding and maintaining their Christian profession.
You say, "That's a little thing." Well, you've got to start somewhere. So begin right there in your abc's (See?) and cut loose the worldly looks anyhow, and become a prisoner to Christ, and then just keep on cutting loose everything till finally the last line's cut loose. Then you--you--you are a prisoner then; you become in His grip. He's--He's got you in His grip.

  69    Now, we find out, this little stable, it was there that the first Noel was ever sang on earth, and it was sang by Angels. Think of it. The first Noel, not sung up there with Caiaphas, not down at some great fine church where a wonderful pastor was, but at a stable in Bethlehem, the least among all of them. But the first Noel was sang by Angelic Beings in the little city of Bethlehem. See what I mean?
No matter how poor you are, how little or insignificant you--you might be, God can use you if you'll just let Him do so. God wants you. He don't want you to...You don't have to belong to some great society, some great order, some great brotherhood, or whatever it might be; that don't mean nothing to God. God wants you. And if you're... If you feel that you're great, get that feeling out of you. You got to get it out. You say, "Well, well, I have a Ph.D., LL.D." That just takes you that much farther from God. Forget the thing. Come back to God. Come back to the humility of the Spirit, and love God and take His Word.

  104    Now, we find the same thing today. Many people look at gifts. (In closing now, five more minutes.) People look at gifts, and they think, "Oh, what a great thing," and they try to impersonate gifts. You can't do that. You just... You can't make a--a--a penny be a dollar, you can't make it be a dime (See?), can't make it a nickel. It's a penny. But if you'll just recognize yourself as a penny, go with the rest of the change (See?) God can use you. We might not be able to do all.There wasn't everybody...
When God called Israel out of Egypt, every one of them didn't have to do the same thing Moses did, but they believed it. That's right. They believed Moses, because they knowed that it was a sign of the hour, and that God had proved that he had His Word. They said, "Pharaoh's got spears."
He said, "But Moses has His Word." That's it. Pharaohs might have an army, but Moses had the Word because he was God's prophet. And the Word come to him, and had been vindicated that It was the Truth. It was the living God Who could take dust and throw it up and make fleas come. A man can't do that. As a man that stood there and said, "Tomorrow about this time there'd be such-and-such," and it was. See? They knowed Moses had God's Word. No matter how many spears and dungeons Pharaoh had, and how many bricks to make, Moses had the Word.
So they started into the wilderness. There was a man, Dathan, said, "Moses takes too much upon himself. We're all holy people, so we all ought to be able to do what Moses did."
And Moses said, "God, what about this?"
He said, "Separate yourself. Get away from them." And He opened up the earth and swallowed up Dathan and his group.
He separated Light from darkness by vindicating His Word. He's the same God today.

  177    Now, I would like to say one thing just before we pray for the sick. Many people have the wrong impression about a gift. A gift is not something that God gives you to go out and say, "Here, I'll go over here and pick out this, and I'll take that and I'll do this." That's not gifts. So many people think that, but they're wrongly impressed. A gift of God is just to know how to get yourself out of the way so God can use you; that's all a gift is. See? As long as you're in yourself...
Didn't Jesus say, Himself "The Son can do..." Saint John 5:19, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in himself." He passed by that pool where all them cripples was, and healed one man with prostate trouble, or something (disease) retarded. He said, "The Son can do nothing in Himself; but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son likewise. It's not me," He said, "that doeth the works; it's My Father that dwelleth in Me; He doeth the works."

  55    It was a unusual thing for that to happen. Joseph being a just man... He--He was unusual; God is unusual. And the unusual's hard to understand. That's why it's hard to understand Truth today; it's so unusual. A woman to have a baby without knowing a man, that was very unusual. But if you're honest and sincere, God can appear to you yet in a dream. It goes to show that anything that you have, whether it's your mind, whether you can whistle, sing, testify, or whatever you can do,if in your whole being is committed to God, God can use it if you'll just let Him do it.

  E-89    Now, we don't have to be smart; we don't have to be educated. We have to believe. We have to humble ourselves and empty ourselves for God to manifest Hisself through us. Empty up yourself; get yourself out of the way. The biggest enemy you have is yourself.Now, you believe God. Do you do it?
Now, if God, our Father, which is the Holy Ghost... The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is the Holy Ghost. We know that. "That which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost." And if that Holy Spirit can come into you and I, and perform the very life that Christ lived, where's your place of doubt? Then I've told you the truth about returning, going back. You believe that?
If He will do it... I don't say He will. Now, remember, people believe that these days is past, but He promised it in the last days.

INFLUENCE_  NY.NY  V-18 N-9  THURSDAY_  63-1114
  219    I'm your brother. But He said, "The works that I do, shall He all--you do also." Is that what He said? All right. If He's here, His Spirit's here. That's what makes Him. Then if we can surrender ourselves and get our own thoughts away, just like this has no thoughts, then another voice can speak through it. That's the way. If we can empty ourselves out. There's the secret; get rid of yourself. Then God gets... Get rid of your own thinking. Get rid of your own ways, and then let God move. If He's Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever, you believe it? You believe Him right now and see if it is.